et al

英 美
  • abbr.(Lat)以及其他人;等人
  • AL abbr.阿拉巴马州(=Alabama)abbr.[化学]铝(=aluminum)
  • et abbr.东部时间(=EasternTime)abbr.外星人(=extraterrestrial)
  1. and others ('et al.' is used as an abbreviation of `et alii' (masculine plural) or `et aliae' (feminine plural) or `et alia' (neuter plural) when referring to a number of people);

    "the data reported by Smith et al."

  2. and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text)

    用作缩略词 (abbr.)
    1. The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al.
    2. Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al.